Best Narrative Feature Film Motherless (Iran 2022) by Seyyed M. Fatemi
Best Documentary Feature Film 
Outlaw Gardeners (Italy 2022) by Angelo Camba
Best Narrative Short Film 
Stillness (United Kingdom 2022) by Rachel Fowler EX AEQUO Breathe (Iran 2022) by Majid Salehi, Amir Nouri
Special Jury Award 
Are We Monsters (United Kingdom 2022) by Seb Cox
Honourable Mention 
The Unexpected Expectant Father  (United Kingdom 2022) by Keeley Gainey
Best Documentary Short Film 
Sound of Memories (UAE 2021) by Gargi Chakrabarti
Best Animated Short Film 
Homard au Coeur (Canada 2022) by Jenna Marks
Best Experimental Short Film 
Kassandra (France 2022) by Ivar Wigan
Best Student Film 
Roya (Afghanistan 2022) by Mohammad Reza Mohammadi
Best Sussex Production 
The Stevie Project (United Kingdom 2022) by Arlo Taylor-Osmon
Best Innovative Production 
Guest (Czech Republic 2021) by Regina Hofmanova